Spring 2021 Creator Group

On Wednesday, June 30th, the Spring 2021 Creator Group Showcase took place, where Creators shared projects they had been working on for the past 12 weeks!
With code snippets, demos, and challenges Creators overcame, guests and fellow peers got to see what went inside Qoom's Creator Group program. Not only were nine projects successfully created on Qoom, but several also integrated other technology.
Andy Ngo's FRC Driver Training Simulator project combined Qoom, Unity, and WebGL. After testing on the WebGL platform, he uploaded his Unity project files onto Qoom. With various maps and camera positions, he was able to create his own game and upload it for anyone on the Internet to play!
Rebecca Wang's Teachable Machine project united Qoom with Google Teachable Machine. After creating and training an audio project model, she exported the model by copying the code to an HTML file on Qoom. Her project aims to empower ESL speakers.
Read more about Andy's and Rebecca's processes! These projects are just two ways Creators used Qoom's full potential by integrating other technology — in addition to traditional HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
In a previous interview with Rebecca, she expressed encouragement for others to join the Creator Group.
Rebecca: "If you have a chance to join Qoom’s Creator Group, do it! There’s so much to learn from Jared and Kiae, who are well-versed and knowledgeable in the industry. You will also have the opportunity to meet international coders and hackathon winners during weekly meetings and fun activities."
Gavneet Bhandal joined her first Creator Group cohort in the spring, while she was taking difficult courses at school like calculus and biology, all while working.
With her partner, Gavneet created a project called AREA, a "dashboard with everyday widgets everyone needs from their day to day life all in one spot." Here's what she had to say about her past 12 weeks!
Gavneet: "I learned tons from the Qoom Creator Group! I was very nervous with how I'd be able to finish my project, or really, just a project in general since I was working with new languages. But the creators and mentors were truly the most supportive ever, they understood my other commitments and were willing to support me with office hours.
"I think this wonderful support and comfortable environment I was invited in was truly the best part of this creator group. During this time, again, since I was learning while creating, I stumbled across many challenges...with the JS part of the project and learning how to put things together... [so] I spent time learning from external resources and from my mentors and creators at Qoom.
"Qoom helped me build my first ever project, and it made things so much easier as I was able to create my project with my partner with the collab feature."
Because we couldn't highlight every single one of the amazing projects created during this cohort, we encourage you to check them out here. We look forward to seeing you create your own projects on Qoom!