Challenges and everything I achieved by working more on Diarywise

In this cohort, I continued working on Diarywise again. Since I worked on the website again, I got to improve many things on the website. Such as the user interface, adding new features, adding more themes, and making everything look more sophisticated and beautiful. When you keep working on a project again, you can improve your prototype and make it look and function more efficiently. Diarywise was not fully functional or looked beautiful when I first created it in the last cohort. But after I worked on it again I improved plenty of things. I applied everything I learned in the last cohort to my project. That gave out a great result and now Diarywise looks nice and it also has some new cool features to it.

A challenge that I ran into in the last cohort was that I couldn’t make the diary entries to be there permanently. That made the diary entries disappear after the user refreshed the page. But, in this cohort, I learned a lot about making the user's work to be saved permanently even if the user refreshed the page. They can always come back and look at their entries and even edit them if the user wants to. Additionally, when the user saves their diary entry, they are not just saving what they wrote but also saving the styles that they added while writing the diary entry. For example, if the user wants the text color to be yellow, font size to be 35, and the font family to be Georgia and then saves their work. It will automatically save. One challenge that I overcame this cohort was making the diary entry and its styles to be saved permanently.

Therefore, I learned many new things and applied my old skills to make Diarywise look even better than before. It is now fully functioning and also looks beautiful. I worked on Diarywise again for this cohort which made the website look more improved and complete. Even though I ran into some challenges while making Diarywise I learned a lot from my challenges and eventually solved them too. Diarywise is even better than before because I worked on it and made it look and work better than before.

Diarywise Website Link: